class: center, middle # Introduction to GIS scripting ## Python introduction INBO workshop, 9/11 May 2017 Stijn Van Hoey --- class: center, middle # Setup working environment --- # Setting up... * Working on JupyterHub: * Log in at * Username: voornaam_achternaam * Paswoord: ... * Go to folder `course_gis_scripting/notebooks` --- class: center, middle When you see something like this...  ...relax, you're ready to start! --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle # Working with python --- class: left, middle ## It is just plain text... -- ## ...until you run it! --- ## (I)python console **Interactive mode**: It functions like an *advanced calculator*,
executing one command at a time:
.center[] --- ## Python scripts **Scripting mode**: Executing a series of commands saved in text file, with a `.py` extension after the name of your file. .center[] --- ## Interactive Development Environment (IDE) Provides an environment to combine **Interactive mode** and
**Scripting mode** .center[] --
is the familiar environment for Matlab/Rstudio-users.
--- ## Jupyter Notebook **Jupyter notebook** provides an **interactive** scripting environment,
ideal for exploration, prototyping, tutorials,...
.center[] --
Comparable to Rmarkdown
--- class: middle, center ## Intermezzo! --- class: middle, center ask for help  list your never-to-forget commands --- class: middle, center 
Report bugs, typo's, suggestions... as issues:
New issue
--- # Overview morning session
1. Getting to know the Jupyter notebook 1. Introduction to Python 1. Introduction to scientific Python: Numpy, Pandas --- class: center, middle # Jupyter notebook `00-jupyter_introduction.ipynb` --- class: center, middle # Python: the essentials `01-python-introduction.ipynb` --- class: center, middle # Python's scientific ecosystem #### ## Thanks to Jake VanderPlas for the figure --- class: center, middle, bgheader background-image: url(./img/JakeVdP-ecosystem1.svg) background-size: cover --- count: false class: center, middle, bgheader background-image: url(./img/JakeVdP-ecosystem2.svg) background-size: cover --- count: false class: center, middle, bgheader background-image: url(./img/JakeVdP-ecosystem3.svg) background-size: cover --- count: false class: center, middle, bgheader background-image: url(./img/JakeVdP-ecosystem4.svg) background-size: cover --- count: false class: center, middle, bgheader background-image: url(./img/JakeVdP-ecosystem5.png) background-size: cover --- # And many more tools **Performance**: Numba, Numexpr, Theano, Cython ... **Visualisation**: Bokeh, Seaborn, Altair, Plotly, Mayavi, HoloViews, ... **Data structures and (parallel/distributed) computation**: Xarray, Dask, Distributed, ... **Packaging and distribution**: pip/wheels, conda, Anaconda, Canopy, ... --
Feel free to ask me advice/support on the use of new packages!
--- count: false class: center, middle, bgheader background-image: url(./img/JakeVdP-ecosystem5bis.png) background-size: cover --- class: center, middle # Scientific Python: # the essentials `02-scientific-python-introduction.ipynb` --- class: center, middle # Why Python? --- class: center, middle # Python is... --- ## …OPEN SOURCE * No license issues! --- ## …WIDESPREAD * Large world-wide community ensures **fast development** * Used in **scientific** and non-scientific institutes
(Google, NASA, ESRI, VMM,...) * Python is a standard in **GIS**
(commercial and non-commercial tools) * **Multiplatform** (linux, windows,…) --- ## …REPRODUCIBLE .center[ instead of ``` what did you/I clicked a few months ago?’-style WYSISYG ``` ] --- ## …REUSE .center[ instead of ``` what did you/I clicked a few months ago?’-style WYSISYG ``` ] --- ## …MULTI-FUNCTIONAL * Research and development: the python *scientific ecosystem* * Daily use: great as ductape/glue * **Automation** of returning tasks ---
Waterinfo example
from editing a script
towards a reusable functionality
inside Python and from the command line!
-- Command line examples: ```python python 0162939042 python 0163079042 --period P10D --windows 12 python 023072043 --period P3D --windows 6 12 24 ``` (check also [this tutorial]( --- ## SO WHAT? The Holy Grail ? No! * Commercial packages give specific support and more consistent help-functions (cfr. MATLAB, ArcGIS) * Commercial packages can be more client-friendly * For hard numercrunching stuff, NOT the fastest solution * Fortran, C++ etc are also ‘widespread’, so python is just a language amongst the others * Risk of getting lost in the forest/flood of ‘useful packages’ --- class: center, middle # Conda --- # Conda ### Why using (ana/mini)conda? - Consistent package manager across Windows, Mac and Linux - Many precompiled packages available - ... *more technical arguments*... --
Easy to install packages!
-- ### Why different environments? - Manage the dependencies of a specific project/paper/group/... - You can install different version of Python and other packages alongside on your computer - Easily share environments with other people --
Make sure you work with the same packages!
--- # Conda: info * [Anaconda Navigator info]( * add channel: `conda-forge` (!) * [Tutorials Anaconda Navigator]( --- ## Hungry? * [Python for ecologists]( introduction for people with no programming experience * [Scipy lecture notes]( (!): Python, Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy * [Python for data analysis]( Pandas --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle ###Reading advice [Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing]( > "*However, while most scientists are careful to validate their laboratory and field equipment, most do not know how reliable their software is*" --- class: center, middle ## Good luck!